Sunday, January 19, 2014

Chapter 5 homework Lesson 1, grouping and windowing

Chapter 5 homework Lesson 1:

1) Two Tables with fields:
ID  Name
--  -------
1   Alpha
2   Beta
3   Beta
4   Beta
5   Charlie
6   Charlie
I want to group them by name, with 'count', and a row 'SUM' so that they look like the following:
Name     Count
-------  -----
Alpha     1
Beta      3
Charlie   2
SUM       6
How would I write a query to add SUM row below the table?

Write a query that groups the number of rows by shipperid and count the number of rows (orders in this case) per each distinct group.  Use sales.orders
Answer: page 151

Write a query that returns shipped orders by shipperid and shipping year, and filter only groups having fewer than 100 orders.  Use Table sales.orders
Answer: page 152

Exercises in book

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