Thursday, January 9, 2014

Chapter 3

Signed up on Microsoft's "Born to Learn" website, there is a study group there for 70-461, although there is VERY little action in it.  I'm trying to encourage people to partake.  

Hopeful of 2-3 hours of studying today (2 at least), once I've done the home work I'll start reading chapter 4.   Homework that I've assigned myself incorporates a lot of what I've done so far... HW is as follows:

Look for employees who have null in their firstname, employee table
Look for employees who have null in their lastname,
Look for employees who have null in their empid,
Orders (productid) that have NULL in their shippeddate from products table
Create column with datatype that is made up of a surrogate key
Find difference in years, then months, then days between youngest employee and oldest employee… create
column name “Age Gap”, value should be read: “diff in (years), diff in (months), diff in (days)”
Calculate difference of shippeddate from products table and today, if NULL then return “unknown”


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