Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 1st, Date Set!

After a long while, I'm making another post to update myself where I am currently.  A while back I posted a picture of some flash cards that I was using for chapter 12 I believe (the heart of SQL transactions).  Since then I've read through chapter 13, and am almost done with 14.  Stored procedures, UDF's were some of the things that were covered during these chapters, and as I alluded too before, what I feel like is my bread and butter as far as writing TSQL goes.

As far as the test taking goes, I'm so happy that a lot of the folks on born to learn have taken and completed the test, it totally inspires me to do the same!  I know that the training kit allows for "self paced" learning, but I feel like I've been studying for years!  Partially it's me, not thinking that I understand the material well enough, and want to have an even firmer handle on it then I do, and part of it is the fact that in my daily job (which is somewhat seasonal, spring being the busiest season) I've been massively slammed.  I'm learning all of the SQL material on my own which forces me to prioritize my daily routine.  Things as simple as getting hair cut have been put off recently (which I will be doing today)!

None the less I have set a date to take the test May 16th!  My plan of action is to finish reading the book by next Friday, and make flash cards for the conceptual pieces of it.  Then work hard on sand box work over the course of the following week until I take the test Friday the 16th.  I honestly think that I could pass the test today, but ensure that I WILL pass it the 16th I'm going to do a lot of reviewing topics, and scripting TSQL.

I think it would be healthy for me to spend time writing down what I've learned in the last few chapters since I last posted, so, that would be 11, 12, 13, and now 14 so that I have them for my own reference as I review in the next two weeks.


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